Monday, May 27, 2013

50. Todd Hido

I first came to know Todd Hido's work from his night photography which I thought was amazing. After looking more into his work and discovered his women portraits I really began to see the type of photographer he is. His work with color and the starkness of the setting his images are in create a beautiful uneasy feeling.

49. Michael Kenna

MIchael Kenna's monochromatic work is stunning. His series "Silent World" is so successful in achieving the meaning of the title in each image.

48. Peter Beard

Peter Beard is an mid 20th century photographer and artists who grew up in Africa. He's kind of the predecessor of Dan Eldon. His journal and collage work are very beautiful.

47. Jim Goldberg

Jim Goldberg is a documentary photographer who's work is very controversial.