Monday, May 27, 2013

50. Todd Hido

I first came to know Todd Hido's work from his night photography which I thought was amazing. After looking more into his work and discovered his women portraits I really began to see the type of photographer he is. His work with color and the starkness of the setting his images are in create a beautiful uneasy feeling.

49. Michael Kenna

MIchael Kenna's monochromatic work is stunning. His series "Silent World" is so successful in achieving the meaning of the title in each image.

48. Peter Beard

Peter Beard is an mid 20th century photographer and artists who grew up in Africa. He's kind of the predecessor of Dan Eldon. His journal and collage work are very beautiful.

47. Jim Goldberg

Jim Goldberg is a documentary photographer who's work is very controversial.

46. Craig Stevens

Having the privilege to know Craig Stevens is an honor. I really love his landscape work and when you see the prints for the first time is when you really begin to grasp his mastery of the craft.

45. Michael Younker

Michael is a friend of mine and his black and white arrangements I think are wonderful.

44. Joshua Niven

43. Theron Humphery

Theron Humphery is a photographer who documents people and his dog maddie. He's awesome, I met him.

42. Henri Cartier-Bresson

Edward Steichen

40. Stephen Gill

39. Tim Barber

Tim Barber is a commercial fashion and lifestyle photographer who's work I've known for a few years. I like his aesthetic.

38. Oliver Woods

37. Aaron Norberg

36. Louis Porter

I really like some of Louis Porter's work. He's a contemporary photographer who's color images of urban spaces have a strange nostalgia mixed with a surreal quality.

35. Scott Hubener

Scott Hubener's work of rural wester North Carolina has really inspired a future body of work I plan on making.

34. Rob Stephenson

33. Philipp Ebeling

32. Gerhard Richter

Gerhard Richter is on this list most likely because of the documentary I just watched about him but that documentary taught me a lot about what it is to be an artist. His paintings range from abstract to photorealism.

31. Chuck Close

Chuck Close is a fine artists working withen many mediums. He is most well known for his paintings but he did do a series of beautiful tin type images.

30. Lewis Hine

Lewis Hine was a turn of the century photographer who's work focusing on child labor in the south made an immense impact on labor laws to come. His photographs actually made a difference and change the world.

29. Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber is a well known fashion photographer working mostly in black and white.

28. Gregory Crewdson

Crewdson's photography is truly surreal. He shoots big production photographs that verge on cinematic. A lot goes into the post production of the images but the outcomes are truly amazing.